Holiday Dazzle: Little Black Dress Project
We just completed a "Ladies Only" 6-week lifestyle challenge on December 17th, 2017. The Holiday Dazzle: Little Black Dress Project was...

Life's Lessons from the BEAST
My husband and I competed in our first Spartan Race . . . a Spartan BEAST. The race consisted of 13 miles of flats, sand, steep terrain...

Holiday Survival Tips Part II
So, the Thanksgiving Holiday has passed and now we are heading into the work parties, family and friend Christmas socials, New Year's...

Invest in YOU this Holiday Season
Well, it's that time of year to reflect on the past and look forward into the New Year . . . When you look into 2017, how do you see...

Morning Rituals
Face it . . . we are ALL creatures of habit! From a young age, we've been taught to brush our teeth, bathe when we're dirty, wash our...

Feed your Muscle
The same size of muscle tissue might weigh more than the same size of fat tissue, but it will take up WAY less room. So, for the...

Top 10 Fitness Photo Prep Steps
BEHIND THE SCENES OF MY RECENT PHOTO SHOOT . . . You don't just decide one day to have a photo shoot the next day and expect to look and...

Why Personal Training is PERSONAL
When you think personal training, you probably visualize someone standing there with a clipboard and counting your reps. Don't get me...

Happy Halloween Workout
I love getting into the festive season, it breaks up "routine". Today was FSE's "Freaky Fitness Friday". Client's were required to come...

Snack Attack
Fueling your body consistenly throughout the day is the best way to avoid the "low sugar", "eat anything and everything in the kitchen"...