Kris Gerlach
Mankato, MN

I reached out to FSE because I needed to change and I knew that Heather could help me out from my previous experience with working with her! Heather takes time to know you as a person, the needs, wants and wants you to achieve your goals because your goals are her goals. She wants you to succeed because there is no better feeling than achieving something you worked so hard for and it is gratifying watching the progress being achieved. She has taught me this and it feels good.
My goals were to lose about 30lbs and to tone up, being 51 years old and have gone through menopause I believe it was time to nip it in the bud. I have done the Atkins diet twice and have lost the weight and gained it back, I have never had a problem with exercise, having been a member of gym for 25 years.
FSE helped organize a meal plan that was huge, I have Celiac Disease so it helped that the meal plans were gluten free. The meal plan played a major role in the weight loss, portion size and also I notice no dairy. The other way was by planning my workouts, I needed help with weight training and putting together workouts, also core workouts. I needed help with structure, motivation even though I had a gym membership, it did not matter I lacked motivation and by doing this and having FSE support it was enough to kick it into to high gear and get something done. I found it easy to do cardio and ignore the other exercises and FSE was able to get my workouts organized and my goals on track!
#1 thing I learned in the last 6 months is that I am important and I need to focus on the goals to achieve what is going to make me happy. I don’t want to be 30lbs overweight, I don’t think that is okay! I want to have muscles! I want energy! I want to be healthy!
I have noticed that I don’t have those sugar low's anymore. I would have to bring a protein bar with me on walks just in case I would get the shakes. Also, with having the meal plan, figuring out portion size, I was able to lose weight and so was my husband out of default. We both are looking good, working out and have healthy habits. We still enjoy some popcorn with a movie and an occasional cupcake at a birthday party! But, FSE has taught me that it's all about balance!
Alicia Andrews
White Salmon, WA
To celebrate turning 40 I trained for a marathon. It was a lot of work and very rewarding. For the few years that followed, I continued running and stayed in shape. Then about a year ago I stopped running. My running group went their separate ways, I needed to work longer hours at work, I had a senior in high school, an injury and lots of other ‘excuses’. I have three sons; one in college, one in high school and one in middle school. They are very active in wrestling, cross country, track, baseball, basketball and band. I have a full time ‘desk’ job as a project manager for an online company. My life is busy. The busyness crept in and took my time that I used to spend working out.
2017 started pretty much like the rest of the years. I vowed to exercise more, eat less dessert, and get in shape, but days, weeks and months went by and nothing happened. I didn’t have a plan, I just had a desire. I had gained about 15 pounds over the last couple of years and felt really bad about myself. I didn’t feel like I had control over what I ate. One day in September I saw a challenge on facebook that Heather Herbeck was putting on at Strawberry Mountain. I wasn’t a member and was a little skeptical about running on a treadmill inside a building when I lived in such a great place to exercise. I decided I needed help. I sent an email to Heather and we set up a time to meet. Heather sat me down, listened to my story and helped me make a plan. From this point on, the story changed.
Heather created a plan that included weights, cardio and eating right (part of the 28 day challenge). After two months, I had lost 9 inches, 15 pounds and 4% body fat. This was significant for me. I felt like I had tried for years by myself and hadn’t made any progress and within two months I gained control of what I ate, knew what exercise to do to maximize my time in the gym and felt better about myself.
Contacting Heather was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. She encouraged me to be the best version of me.
Alicia Andrews
Greta Zagarino
Hood River, OR

It was a bit humbling to hire a trainer. I think I had a little judgement about the kind of people who do.... like, they must not have the will power to do it themselves, or they must have money to waste.
Working with Heather has changed all that for me. I found after 3 years of struggling to find the time or energy to train around my new business (which demanded a solid 12-14 hour day, 7 days a week) that I just really needed some help. I knew Heather was great from her reputation, but I have experienced it now first hand. She's amazing.
Since April, I've lost 12 pounds I've been trying to lose for 3 years. It's been replaced with muscle and I feel great. It's such a relief to know I can be strong and healthy again. I love getting out of the office (And the world doesn't fall apart!). I love being held accountable. And, Heather is so gentle-yet-persistent... she sneaks in the workouts, making them sound so "easy" and "fun". And, somehow I find that it IS fun.
I testify under oath of the gorge that Heather ROCKS.
~ Greta
Hood River, OR
Hi, Heather,
The program you developed for me and the manner in which Kelly executed that program with me has been wonderful! Yesterday I made it up to 40 minutes on the treadmill and 2 miles!
I FEEL WONDERFUL! My mind is refreshed. I'm excited once again about every day!
Thanks to you and Kelly for inspiration! I'm very grateful to have my life back! Your plan fit my goals exactly.
Now....back to work on it!!!
Judy Beckman
Judy came to Fitness & Sport Evolution to "get her life back". She came down with a serious case of shingles . . . "the worst her doctor had ever seen". This affected her nerves, range of motion, comfort . . . basically her quality of life! Upon our first meeting, we discussed her needs of improving range of motion in her arms, strength in her legs and improved cardiovascular. Just 4 weeks into
the programming, she sent FSE the email above. We are so thrilled to see this effect on people and hearing that their quality of life is improving. That is what it's all about . . . it's about training in the gym to enjoy life fully!
I have been working out with Heather for over 3 years and it has been a life changing experience for me. It's not just that I am stronger, as I notice this when I carry around my 50 lb bags of flour to make bread without a problem; It's not just that I'm slimmer in the waist, because I am back down to the same waist line I had 10 years ago. It is that the overall quality of my life is much better. I am able to surf, I am able to Stand Up Paddle Board, I am able to hike any of the trails I wish to, I can pack in a bag of duck decoys to my favorite hunting blind and carry out a limit of ducks with the decoys and all my normal "everyday" routines are so much easier.
I'll be 70 this year, and I want to be able to safely do the things I like to do, and working with Heather on developing an entire strength training, mobility and flexiblity routine, is enabling me to do that. Thank you, Heather, for understanding what is important to me, and helping me reach those goals.
Mayor Dave Poucher
White Salmon, WA
I have always been pretty active, but, a sedentary job, accumulating injuries, and the progression of time, certainly constrained what I could pull off, on a weekend warrior basis. Joining a gym, working out on my own, was okay, for a while. Before long, it got too easy to “modify” the schedule. Between over aggressive workouts, and over ambitious adventures, I was spending more time on recovery than recreation.
With Heather, at Fitness and Sports Evolution, our goal was to get me on regular workouts, where I could build and sustain fitness, to keep up my adventurous life, while avoiding injuries.
Heather’s perceptive evaluation identifies areas needing attention. She produces a variety of effective exercises, to keep things interesting. Her motivational coaching style, and flexibility, promote consistent sessions, even with my unpredictable schedule. Our extensive core work, flexibility, and strength training are keeping me on the river, and on the trails. A lot of good cardio comes with the ability to be out there.
Thanks Heather!
Michael Babcock
White Salmon, WA
Teresa J.
Stevenson, WA
Hi Heather!! I wanted to tell you about my progress!! I have been doing the exercise you showed me regularly for months. At least 5 or more days a week. I did yard work for 6 hours last Saturday. Usually my back and arms are sore and I'm in pain for days afterwards. I admit I was slightly sore on Sunday but... that was all! I recovered quite nicely I am SO THRILLED to see my strength returning! Thank you so much for teaching me these exercises!! Have a great day... Teresa J ❤
Michelle Ward
Lyle, WA
I just completed my third 'challenge' with Fitness & Sport Evolution. They have all been life changing for me. She didn't just give me a 28-day challenge or a 10-day detox but a new healthy life style which I plan to continue on with.
A 10 day detox sounded a little scary and I am going to admit...the first few days were rough but then you reach day 4 and I felt so good and had so much energy and focus and on the tough days, you could rely on Heather and the other participants as a support network.
I am a FSE groupie for sure and plan on participating in all Heathers challenges!!!

Dave Poucher
White Salmon, WA
Mike Babcock
White Salmon, WA