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6-Week Program



Fitness & Sport Evolution’s "FUTURE: Fit Girls of the Gorge" is a program developed for girls ages 14-16.  This program builds confidence, helps improve self-esteem, teaches and guides the correct movement for young adults and provides all of this in a safe, fun and supportive environment.

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What is the "FUTURE: Fit Girls of the Gorge" Program?  And, who is it for exactly?

"FUTURE: Fit Girls of the Gorge" is named what it is, because it does exactly THAT:  This program develops young girls into healthier and more fit individuals.  This program isn't necessarily geared towards girls who are currently in sports or are very active in their every day lives (though they are welcome).  Instead, this program is geared towards:

*  Girls who feel intimidated by sports or active movement.  This program will teach them HOW to move better so that they feel more comfortable and confident participating in group activities outside of this program.

*  Girls who shy away from group activities.  This program is maxed at 8 participants.  So, the group is small, supportive and comfortable.

*  Girls who are overweight.  This program gets kids moving through games and fun activities.  More movement = more energy/calories burned = losing weight.  We also talk about nutrition and living healthy lifestyles.

*  Girls who are anxious, bored, moody . . . activity is a great way to help with all of these emotions and feelings.  "FUTURE:  Fit Girls of the Gorge" helps girls improve their self-confidence which is a huge factor in positive self-image.

What to expect from this program:

1.  A comfortable, supportive environment.

2.  Coach Tammy, meets every girl where they are at in their activity, movement patterns, lifestyle, etc.

3.  After the 6 weeks, the girls will leave with their own fitness program, which they put together, themselves through the guidance of the coach.

4.  This isn't a "sports" program.  If participating in sports makes you anxious . . . don't worry, this isn't a PE class.  This is just working on moving better and more confidently in your everyday movement patterns and having some fun.  This is NOT a competitive environment.

5.  Motivation.  The coaches at FSE will support, encourage and inspire you to become WHO you are destined to be.  We will also, on occasion, have 'guests' in class who are local to the gorge and add to the inspiration of the program.

6.  Food.  On occasion, we will talk "healthy food" and give homework to try a healthy recipe with your family and report back.  

Programming Lay-Out:

*  Participants will learn and practice 11 Universal Movements that are important for movement development in your child.

*  Warm-up, non-competitive games, Cool-down

*  Each child will be guided and encouraged to improve their performance on each of the 11 Universal Movements, helping them to build confidence and improve their self-esteem.

*  Education topics including, "How to find ones' Hidden Genius"; stress management; how to get a good night's sleep; nutrition; goal setting; and, more!

Introductory Session Schedule:

Please contact us for our next available session or to be put on the waiting list.

Cost:  Please email for pricing.

***  Each child MUST have a gym membership at Strawberry Mt. Gym

during the duration of this program.

For more information or to reserve your spot, email me!

Only 8 spots available!!!!

Now's the time to introduce the change!

Here’s the next question . . .

What do you do RIGHT NOW?

You can finish reading all of this, but then just “click” exit and continue avoiding how your daughter is feeling about herself; avoiding the fact that you "should" be supporting your daughter with a more active, healthy environment, but you just don't have the time; or perhaps, "pretending" that this situation isn't in your household (but, deep down inside you know it is).  Fitness & Sport Evolution can help YOU provide a healthier environment . . . to help YOU and your daughter.

So, call us TODAY 541-981-9634 or email us and help your daughter become empowered to take control of her life, while losing weight, strengthening muscles, decreasing stress, increasing their confidence and living the life they deserve . . . a life where you look and feel as healthy and fit as possible . . . where you feel full of energy . . . where you can move freely doing the activities you enjoy . . . and where you walk into a room and you feel like the most important person there!

We want to make sure this program is right for you!

Heather Herbeck

Fitness & Sport Evolution

Owner & Lead Trainer


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