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The 66 Day “Habit Forming” Challenge:

Between the Dates of October 1st and December 5th, I challenge you to create new healthy lifestyle behaviors.  Don’t wait for the “New Year’s Resolution”.  Instead choose to start NOW; don’t make up any more excuses; and, commit to a better feeling YOU.


Here’s what it entails:

* Fitness Test BEFORE/AFTER the 66 days

* 2 sessions per week (or more for an additional fee) 

* A  “mapped out workout routine” so you can cross out each day as you go and prepare yourself for the next day.

* General support for healthy eating

* Goal setting

* Social Media support.  I will create a “66 Day Challenge” Facebook page for all of us to support one another.



20 Sessions (twice a week) ($35/session)

$700 includes all of the above


30 Sessions (three times a week)

$1050 includes all of the above


If you want group training, please add $10 on to each additional person/each session and then you can split the cost.


It’s never too late or too expensive to invest in your health.  It’s called preventative care J  Cheaper than doctor’s bills.


In-home visits add 25%.  Extra 2.3% if paying via credit card.  Payment options available, please discuss with me.


*  For current clients intrested in this special, please ask about rates.






Fall Special


Fitness and Sport Evolution


21 days to form a Habit ~ An old myth.  It actually takes 66 days to form a new behavior.



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