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Skyline Community Health Fair 2015

Skyline Hospital

Fitness & Sport Evolution participated in the 2015 Community Health Fair. In my opinion, the White Salmon community has one of the most beautiful hospitals in the country.

The Health Fair seemed to draw and focus on ages 60+. Services were offered for blood draws, thyroid testing, blood pressure and more. Fitness & Sport Evolution offered fitness testing, though only a few took advantage of finding out where their fitness level was.

FSE offered specific testing for ages 60+ for:

* Aerobic Endurance

* Upper & Lower Body strength and endurance

* Flexibility

* Body Fat (not as encouraged for 60+ but was offered)

* and more!

The Health Fair is a great event for the community of White Salmon and its' surrounding areas, but I coudn't help but be a little disappointed in the lack of interest for health (in terms of eating right and working out). I noticed people coming to the event and directly heading towards the blood work, blood pressure, height/weight, etc . . . basically ALL the areas where a doctor or nurse could tell you your numbers and then you would know. HOWEVER, knowing and doing something about it are TWO totally separate things. You have high blood pressure? You are overweight? Instead of excepting it and paying for medications to bring those numbers down . . . why not stop at MY booth and the booth right beside me that was naturopathic medicine and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT that doesn't necessarily take 'popping a pill?'

WHY? Well, here's my thought . . . and I'm going to be honest (plus, I actually heard some of these sentences out of peoples' mouths at the fair):

1. "I'm too old . . . I could have done 'things like that' 20 years ago!"

My opinion: AGE IS AN EXCUSE!!!!!!!! There are activities and exercises for EVERYONE at ANY AGE!

2. "It costs too much".

My opinion: Add up your doctor's bills and medical bills and then make that call. (Knock on wood), I haven't been to the Doctor in 2 years. So, really my cost for health is ONLY a gym membership and taking the time to make exercise a priority and buying healthy foods.

3. Too much effort

My opinion: I didn't hear this out of anyone's mouth, but I know 100% that the main reason people didn't stop by my booth OR inquire about exercise and eating right, is that it takes TOO much effort and responsibility on their part. People would rather 'pop a pill' with breakfast than take 30 minutes a day to exercise and take the time to prepare healthy meals.

Mayor Dave Poucher and his wife Jane promoting fitness

Here are my questions for you:

1. Where is your WILL-POWER people!!!!! Can you just drive-by the coffee hut instead of stopping for that frappuccino? Or, drink your coffee black? WHY do you need all that sugar? STOP, and take some control over what you put inside your body.

2. Why are you NOT putting your SELF as a priority? The excuses of I have to work, I have to run my kids around, I have to do this and that . . . In my opinion, this kind of lifestyle isn't promoting a healthy YOU. Putting yourself first isn't selfish. YOU can fit exercise and eating right into your life . . . it's just a matter of being strategic in your daily planning. BONUS: YOU live healthy and your kids will, too! They are watching everything you do.

To all the mommies out there . . . "You're kids are watching you". This is a great video emphasizing that point:

Let ME, help YOU! This is a harsh post, but I'm just being honest and straight forward! Fitness & Sport Evolution is here to help you. I will help guide you and strategize a healthy program. However, I will NOT hold your hand. YOU are accountable, but I am there to help to make this process as easy (and of course FUN) as I can.

The BEST part of all of this, is that is is NEVER too early or late to start living healthy. A healthy body transforms into a healthy mind. Let's get started TODAY. I am continuing my "6-Week Challenge" $100 OFF through this week (just for YOU) . . . take advantage and get yourself signed up. Let's do this TOGETHER!!! Why? Because I truly care about YOUR health. And I truly believe in YOU . . . and, I want you to believe also!

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