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Free apps to help manage a healthy life

Seems like wherever we go, our phones are with us these days. So, why not find ways your phone can help you build a healthier lifestyle.

1. Affirmations - This is a great app that gives you a new daily affirmation to stay focused on for that particular day!

Affirmations are: Statements that "may" or "may not" be true at the time, but if practiced and recited over and over again, convince your mind that it IS true . . . and eventually becomes TRUE.

I practice affirmations every day in my life . . . and, encourage you all to try them for a month and see what happens . . . remember, the POWER of the MIND!

"If you THINK it . . . It will happen!"

2. ThinkUp - This will help you develop a better and more positive mindset. Sometimes we can think pretty negatively, this app helps re-wire our brain for more positive thinking.

WE are what makes our life happy. It is not our environment. It is not our circumstance. It is not who we are around. It is US and our thoughts. This app can help re-structure for a happier, healthier mindset.

3. 10% Happier - This app is great to get you going and keep you on track with your meditation practices.

I, personally, find it hard to slow life down and take a few seconds to breath and reflect. This app has been a great way to help me improve my meditation practice.

4. Water Consumption - Great apps for reminders or tracking of our water intake:

5. Sleep issues & Sleep improvement - If you have sleep issues or you want to learn how to make sleep even better for you, give this app a try. Sleep Cycle.

6. Mindfulness - If you want to improve your relationship with food, give this app a try. Mindful Eating Tracker

7. Food Tracking - My Fitness Pal - This is a VERY popular food tracking app. I recommend just going with the free one.

Okay, there you go . . . here are just a few apps I've tried and found success with. Check them out for yourself. If we can simplify our lives, we will find better success and health.


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